33. Paleodicraeia C. Cusset
Paleodicraeia C. Cusset, Adansonia II, 12: 562 (dated 1972, published 1973).
Roots ribbon-like, branched, ± 1 cm wide; stems arising along margins of root, up to ± 2 cm long, branched and covered with at least 8 overlapping, scale-like leaves. Leaf bases persistent, 1.5--2 mm long, swollen and overlapping, shallowly 3-lobed; lateral lobes stipular; central lobe (or blade) linear and entire or bifid, caducous. Spathellas ovoid, splitting more or less regularly down one side. Flowers erect in spathella, subsessile, solitary, borne terminally; pedicel reaching 2 mm long in fruit; tepals 2, lanceolate, 0.5 mm long, 0.2 mm wide at base, one each side of andropodium base; stamens 2 borne on an andropodium; pollen unknown; ovaries 2-locular. Capsules ovoid; valves equal, each with 5 ribs; stigmas 2, linear and short. One sp., P. imbricata (Tulasne) C. Cusset, Madagascar.