32. Macropodiella Engler
Macropodiella Engler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 60: 466 (1926); Cusset, Adansonia II, 17: 293--303 (1978), rev.
Roots crustose or ribbon-like; stems simple or branched, very short or in some species up to ± 80 cm long. Leaves usually divided into linear or capillary segments, or scale-like. Flowers inverted within unruptured spathella, solitary or in clusters of up to ± 12, either terminal or borne on elongated stems in leaf axils but appearing opposite leaves; pedicel reaching up to 1.5 cm long in fruit; tepals 2, linear to filiform, borne one each side of andropodium base; stamens 1--3; pollen in monads; ovaries 1-locular. Capsules borne on an up to 2 mm long gynophore, ellipsoidal, laterally flattened; valves equal and caducous, each with 3 ribs; stigmas variable, simple and elongate or divided into linear lobes or cock's comb-like with flattened and serrated margins. Six spp., tropical W Africa.