41. Diplobryum C. Cusset
Diplobryum C. Cusset, Adansonia II, 12: 279 (1972).
Roots crustose and closely attached to rock, or cylindrical to ribbon-like with lower part attached to rock and upper part floating; stems very short, simple, apparently arising on upper surface of root and in the sinuses of root branches. Leaves imbricate, scale-like, ovate-elliptic, up to 2 mm long, either obtuse at tip or with an elongated, caducous, linear tip. Spathellas with an apical beak, opening by a slit. Flowers solitary; pedicel very short, just bearing the flower above the leaves; tepals 2, linear, 1 each side of andropodium; stamens 2, borne on an andropodium; pollen in dyads. Capsules ellipsoidal to fusiform, laterally flattened, 1--1.5 mm long; valves equal and persistent, each with 9 ribs; stigmas linear or globose. Seeds ± 40--70, elongate with fine, longitudinal ribs. Four spp., SE Asia. It is closely related to Hydrobryum. |