10. Devillea Tulasne & Weddell
Devillea Tulasne & Weddell, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III, 11: 107 (1849); van Royen, Acta Bot. Neerl. 3: 223 (1954), rev.; Philbrick & Novelo, Syst. Bot. Monographs 70: 1--106 (2004), rev. (under Podostemum).
Roots thread-like, filamentous, branched; stems simple or few times branched, ± 1 cm long, arranged irregularly but never in opposite or subopposite pairs. Leaves simple or repeatedly forked with filamentous segments, up to 2.5 cm long; leaf base sheathing and usually with symmetrical boat-shaped stipule. Spathellas bell-shaped, up to 3 mm long, when immature enveloped in the sheaths of the apical leaves. Flowers 1(2) per shoot; pedicels 0.5--1 mm long, elongating up to 6 mm in fruit; tepals 3, lanceolate to triangular, ± 0.5 mm long, one each side of solitary stamen and one on back of it; anthers dehiscing introrsely; pollen in monads. Capsules ellipsoidal to globose, up to 1.2 mm long, smooth; valves unequal, the larger persisting, suture sometimes acentric; stigmas very short. Seeds unknown. One sp., D. flagelliformis Tulasne & Weddell, Goías, Brazil. Philbrick & Novelo (2004) sunk this species into Podostemum. |