8. Cipoia C. T. Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang
Cipoia C. T. Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang, Syst. Bot. 29: 113 (2004).
Roots thread-like and usually laterally flattened, branching; stems arising from lateral margins of root, usually in opposite or subopposite pairs, unbranched, (0.1--) 2 (--3.5) mm long, with hardened leaf remains below and a tuft of leaves at the tip. Leaves filamentous, (2)3 times forked or rarely simple, (3.8--) 10 (--20.4) mm long, ultimate segments linear to spatulate, stipule as boat-shaped extension of the leaf base. Spathellas club-shaped, (0.9--) 1.7 (--2.7) mm long, splitting irregularly from top. Flowers 1 (--3) per shoot, remaining within spathella during anthesis; borne on gynophore which elongates during anthesis and exceeds the pedicel; pedicels minute, shorter than spathella; tepals one each side of the stamen filament; stamen 1; filaments elongating during anthesis and projecting from ruptured spathella; anthers dehiscing introrsely; pollen in dyads. Capsules borne within spathella, ellipsoidal, each 3-ribbed, 2-locular, valves equal, the sutures thickened; stigmas equal, simple. Seeds unknown. One sp., C. inserta C. T. Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang, Minas Gerais, Brazil.