24. Angolaea Weddell
Angolaea Weddell in A. de Candolle, Prodromus 17: 300 (1873).
Roots unknown; stems branched, floating, up to 50 cm long. Leaves repeatedly forked, segments filiform. Spathellas ellipsoidal, borne on 5--8 mm long stalks. Flowers erect in the spathella, borne in umbel-like clusters; tepals 2, small, one each side of stamens or andropodium base if present; stamens 3(4), free or united below, borne in a cluster on one side of flower; andropodium very short or apparently 0; pollen in dyads; ovaries 1- or 2-locular. Capsules ellipsoidal; valves equal, each with 3 ribs; style short, erect, bearing a semi-globose stigma. One sp., A. fluitans Weddell, from the River Cuanza, Angola. |