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Institut für Systematische und Evolutionäre Botanik

Grants, Awards

Grants and Scholarships to Conti and her group members (incoming funding)

  • 2018-2022: The evolutionary roles of hybridization and introgression: investigating species and genomic boundaries under climate change; Primula genomics: PrimGEN (Swiss National Science Foundation): CHF 700'000
  • 2017-2020: “PlantHUB” (Innovative Training Network Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action of the European Commission): ca. 220’000 EU for 2 Ph.D. students salaries + consumables (co-PIs: Dr. Peter Szovenyi, Uni of Zurich; BaseClear, Leiden, Holland)
  • Sept. 1, 2014-Aug. 31, 2017: Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Ph.D. studies to Erica Barroso, from Brasil to study Acanthaceae (Conti: Host and supervisor; in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Juerg Schoenenberger, University of Vienna); CHF 70’000
  • Sept. 1, 2014-May 31, 2015: TUBITAK Scholarship from the Turkish Government to Deniz Ulukuz, Ph.D. student from the University of Selcuklu, Turkey, to study Haplophyllum (Rutaceae) (Conti: Host and supervisor); CHF 15000
  • Sept. 1, 2014-Feb. 29, 2016: “Speciation in Alpine primulas: roles of geography, ecology and floral morphology“; Post-doctoral grant of the Plant Fellows Program (EU-Marie Curie-COST Action and Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center) to Florian Boucher (Conti: Host and supervisor); CHF 67000
  • 12 month-EU Marie Curie Fellowship to Dr. Aurelie Desamore (Belgium) (Conti: Host and supervisor): 47000 CHF
  • Dec. 1, 2013-Nov. 31, 2015: “Using island plants to understand extinction patterns“; Post-doctoral grant of the Plant Fellows Program (EU and Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center) to Ben Warren (Conti: Host and supervisor); CHF 74400
  • Nov. 1, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014: European ERASMUS exchange scholarship to Konstantina Koutroumpa for phylogenetic studies on Limonium from Crete (Conti: Host and supervisor); CHF 3125
  • Nov. 1, 2013-May 31, 2014: scholarship to Maria Guerrina by the University of Genova and the Park of the Maritime Alps to study Berardia subacaulis (Conti: Host and supervisor); CHF  27’121
  • 2013: "Contemporary gene flow or recent divergence: the species history of the Sphagnum recurvum complex"; Conti PI:  6 mos. grant for Ph.D. student from Hungary, Orsolya Marton, from the Swiss CRUS-SCIEX-NMS program; 31000 CHF (Conti: Host and supervisor; with Dr. Peter Szovenyi, co-PI, from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Zurich).
  • 2011-Jan 31. 2015: "Effects of climate change on past, recent, and future biodiversity of alpine/arctic plants: Integrative evidence from phylogenies, population genetics, ecological niche modeling and new insights for conservation" (Conti PI; co-PI Dr. Christoph Randin, University of Basel), Pro-Doc program of the Swiss National Science Foundation and Plant Science Center, 400'000 CHF.
  • 2010-2012: “Genetic diversity of island endemics in the Mediterranean region: comparison between oceanic and continental islands”, post-doc grant from SNF Marie Heim Voetglin program to Dr. Marilena Meloni,  267'788 CHF (Conti,  host and supervisor).
  • Oct-Dec. 2011: "Population genetics of the endangered and endemic species Primula boveana in South Sinai, Egypt" (with Dr. Hassan Mansour, University of Ismailia, Egypt): grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Conti: PI); CHF 11520
  • 2009-2010: "The role of polyploid evolution in flowering plants: a case study from the Alpine species Primula marginata"; 9-mos. Master fellowship from the Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students to Ms. Laura Granato, 17'280 CHF (E. Conti, supervisor).
  • 2009: Equipment grant from the University of Zurich to purchase a new flow cytometer with the Institute of Plant Biology (65'000 CHF out of 106'524 CHF)
  • October 2007- March 2008: Funding from the International Exchange Office of the University of Zurich for Sara Manafzadeh, from Iran (8000 CHF)
  • 2007: Funding awarded for conference organization: “Origin and evolution of biota in Mediterranean climate zones: an integrative vision” (July 14-16, 2007) from the Swiss National Science Foundation (CHF 10'000), DIVERSITAS (EU 1000), and the Science Dean’s Office of the University of Zurich (20'000 CHF)
  • 2005-2008: “Origins of plants endemic to the Corso-Sardinian microplate: a window on the biogeography of the Western Mediterranean”  (Swiss National Science Foundation: CHF 335'000)
  • 2001-2003: ”Phylogeny and evolution of breeding systems in the plant genus Primula, with emphasis on sect. Aleuritia Duby” (Swiss National Science Foundation: CHF 250'000)
  • 2000: Start-up funds from the Equal Opportunity office of the University of Zurich (CHF 48'000)
  • 1998: “Pilot study for a molecular systematic analysis of the genus Elymus” ($ 3'000 from the Canadian Wildlife Service, with Bruce Bennett)
  • 1998: “DNA analyses of a special status species, Oxytropis arctica barnabeyana” (U.S. Air Force, $ 24'370)
  • 1998: “Molecular systematics of the plant genus Primula: Implications for character evolution”  (Research  Corporation, US$ 14'000)
  • 1998: “Creation and upgrade of voucher specimen collections for the Bonanza Creek LTER site” (National Science Foundation, US$ 50'000; PIs: Terry Chapin and Rich Boone)
  • 1998: Three UAF Undergraduate Research Opportunity grants to work on Saxifraga and Primula phylogenies ($ 1'100 each)
  • 1997: “Genetic diversity of the rare Alaskan plant Oxytropis arctica barnabeyana” (U.S. Fish and Wildlife; $ 3'680)
  • 9/1995-2/96: Post-Doctoral Mercer Fellowship, Harvard Arboretum ($ 12'000)
  • 1992: University of Wisconsin Natural History Museums Council Travel Grant for collection of plants in the Alps (UW-Madison; $ 500)
  • 1992: Davis Fund Research Grant for collection of Myrtales in Australia (UW-Madison; $1'000)
  • 1992: One of five annual Vilas Fund Travel Fellowship for collection of Myrtales in Australia (UW-Madison; $ 5'000)
  • 1992: One of five annual Dean’s Fellowship, to support one year of graduate studies (UW-Madison; $10'000)
  • 1992: Delzie Demaree Award to attend the Fall Symposium at the Missouri Botanic Gardens, St. Louis ($ 500)
  • 1992: Travel Award of the American Institute of Biological Sciences to attend the AIBS meetings in Honolulu ($ 500)
  • 1991: Graduate Teaching Fellow Award of the College of Letters & Science (UW-Madison; $ 500)
  • 1991: One of five annual awards for Excellence in Teaching of the College of Letters & Science (UW-Madison; $1'500).
  • 1987: Doctoral fellowship to support three years of graduate studies (University of Florence, declined after transferring to the University of Wisconsin, USA).

Honors and Awards

  • 2015: ​Recruited by a head-hunting firm as potential candidate for the position of Dean of the newly merged School of Biosciences, University of Melbourne, Australia (declined)
  • 2013: Offered position as Director of the Botanical Garden and Full Professor in Biology at the University of Padova, Italy (declined)
  • 2001- 2005: Affiliate Associate Professor, University of Alaska-Fairbanks
  • 1997: Finalist for Faculty position at the University of Zurich (offer received and accepted in 1999)
  • 1997: Greenman Award of the Missouri Botanical Garden for the best Ph.D. thesis paper published in 1996 ($1,000)
  • 1995: Tenure-track professorships offered at Colorado State University (declined), Miami University (declined), and University of Alaska-Fairbanks (accepted).
  • 1995: One of four invited finalists for a Faculty position at the University of Washington (Seattle)
  • 1994: One of four invited finalists for a Faculty position at the University of Utah

Updated 10 January 2018

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