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Institut für Systematische und Evolutionäre Botanik

Luiz Leonardo Saldanha

Luiz Leonardo Saldanha

  • Postdoctoral Fellow


2023- Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zürich, Switzerland
2022-2023Scientific Researcher at Centroflora Inova - Centre of Research Development & Innovation, Brazil.
2021-2022Postdoctoral Fellow Agroscope Forschungszentrum & Universität de Zürich, Switzerland.
2018-2020Postdoctoral Fellow, University of São Paulo State (UNESP) and University of Geneva, Switzerland.
2018-2018Adjunct Professor, Federal University for Latin-America Integration, Brazil.
2013-2017PhD in Botany, University of São Paulo State (UNESP), Brazil and University of Geneva, Switzerland.
2011-2012Master in Botany from the University of São Paulo State (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil.
2007-2010Bachelor in Biological Sciences, University of São Paulo State (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil.

Research Interests

My research is centered on the study of the chemical diversity of medicinal plants. Integrating analytical and computational metabolomic approaches, I address both fundamental and applied questions about the identification of active compounds and how their biosynthesis is influenced by plant-environment relationships. My work on functional chemical maps, for example, has greatly enhanced the traditional visualization of chemical data in phytochemistry. This, in turn, has significantly advanced the identification of active principles in plants widely used in South American traditional medicine and unveiled new ecophysiological roles for specialized metabolites in economically important plants. Author of 40 articles and one patent in licensing phase, I collaborate with an extensive international network of researchers in both the academic and industrial sectors within the Brazil-Switzerland axis.

Selected Publications

Full list of publications LINK

NMR-Based Metabolomics Reveals Effects of Water Stress in the Primary and Specialized Metabolisms of Bauhinia ungulata L. (Fabaceae)
Ana Júlia Borim de Souza; Fernanda Maria Marins Ocampos; Rafael Catoia Pulgrossi; Anne Lígia Dokkedal; Luiz Alberto Colnago; Inês Cechin; Luiz Leonardo Saldanha. Metabolites(2023)LINK

Metabolomic- and Molecular Networking-Based Exploration of the Chemical Responses Induced in Citrus sinensis Leaves Inoculated with Xanthomonas citri
Luiz Leonardo Saldanha; Pierre-Marie Allard; Guilherme Dilarri; Santiago Codesido; Víctor González-Ruiz; Emerson Ferreira Queiroz; Henrique Ferreira; Jean-Luc Wolfender, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2022)LINK

Physiological responses of Amaranthus cruentus L. to drought stress under sufficient- and deficient-nitrogen conditions
Inês Cechin; Mayank Gururani; Laura Prado da Silva; Elisa Teófilo Ferreira; Sarah Corrêa Barrochelo; Fernanda Pereira de Souza Rosa de Melo; Anne Ligia Dokkedal; Luiz Leonardo Saldanha. PLOS ONE(2022)LINK

Hypoglycemic active principles from the leaves of Bauhinia holophylla: Comprehensive phytochemical characterization and in vivo activity profile
Luiz Leonardo Saldanha; A. M. Abd El-Aty; Aislan Quintiliano Delgado; Laurence Marcourt; Nathalia Aparecida de Paula Camaforte; Priscilla Maria Ponce Vareda; Samad Nejad Ebrahimi; Wagner Vilegas; Anne Lígia Dokkedal; Emerson Ferreira Queiroz  et al. PLOS ONE (2021) LINK

GC-TOF/MS-based metabolomics analysis to investigate the changes driven by N-Acetylcysteine in the plant-pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
Picchi SC; de Souza E Silva M; Saldanha LL; Ferreira H; Takita MA; Caldana C; de Souza AA. Scientific Reports (2021)LINK

Metabolomics of Myrcia bella Populations in Brazilian Savanna Reveals Strong Influence of Environmental Factors on Its Specialized Metabolism
Luiz Leonardo Saldanha; Pierre-Marie Allard; Adlin Afzan; Fernanda Pereira de Souza Rosa de Melo; Laurence Marcourt; Emerson Ferreira Queiroz; Wagner Vilegas; Cláudia Maria Furlan; Anne Lígia Dokkedal; Jean-Luc Wolfender. Molecules (2020) LINK