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My general interests are in plant systematics, biogeography, and conceptual and methodological issues in phylogenetics and comparative evolutionary biology. My empirical work is focussing on the diversity of succulent plants (Adaptation and diversification of succulent plants). Currently, most projects are investigating the systematics and evolutionary biology of different groups of cacti. These projects are conducted in close collaboration with the Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich. In addition, I have particular interests in the floristics and biogeography of alpine regions and in the systematics of Campanulaceae, Asteraceae and Ranunculaceae.
Postdoc Advisors
David D. Ackerly, University of California, Berkeley
David D. Baum, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Current Projects
PhD Students
Anita Lendel (2013)
Phylogenetics and growth form evolution in the tribe Trichocereeae (Cactaceae)
Master Students
Danielle Sombra Stäheli (2006)
Paula Rodriguez (2006)
Eva Frei (2007)
Janine Vogel (2008)
Barbara Wenk (2008)
Samuel Eberhardt (2011)
Marco Kreuzer (2012)
Patricia von Flüe (2013)
Carmen Hiltebrand (2014)
Lea Bona (2014)
Rebecca Kurz (2015)
Julia Rittmann (2016)
Natascha Villiger (2017)
Jasmin Ducry (2018)
Tobias Moser (2018)